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  1. S&P

    S&P的官方上看,你会发现其实S&P每年不只一个会议,S&P又分为两类:SP Conference Information、SP Workshops Information。第一类「SPC」大家一看英文应该就知道含义吧,第二类可以看2014年官网的一个介绍:

    Overview: Since 1980, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP) has been the premier forum for the presentation of developments in computer security and electronic privacy, and for bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field.

    In order to further expand the opportunities for scientific exchanges, we created a new venue within the IEEE CS Technical Committee on Security and Privacy called Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). The typical purpose of such a workshop is to cover a specific aspect of security and privacy in more detail, making it easy for the participants to attend IEEE SP and a specialized workshop at IEEE SPW with just one trip. Furthermore, the co-location offers synergies for the organizers. The workshops are co-located with the IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium, and the number of workshops and attendees have grown steadily during recent years. Workshops can be annual events (e.g. W2SP), one time events, or aperiodic.


    这个会议的演讲论文在主页以及每个会议的首页(需要点击进入每个会议网页哈)都有下载,另外你要是你拥有IEEE论文数据库,可以通过IEEE的会议搜索进行会议搜索,比如:Security and Privacy (SP), 2014 IEEE Symposium onSecurity and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 2014 IEEE

  2. CCS

    CCS的全称为:ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 看介绍也是开始于1993,还是挺久远的一个会议。

    会议的论文可以通过网站的链接看到历年的论文记录,当然这个论文库是在acm数据库中,你没有这个论文库的话果断Google吧,或者使用dblp数据库进行搜索,一般都可以搜到PDF,主要还是源于计算机和安全领域大家都还是乐于分享。2014年CCS的所有论文可以通过Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Artificial Intelligent and Security Workshop进行下载。

  3. USENIX Security

    终于该介绍USENIX Security了,其实本人最开始接触的就是这个会议,因此这个会议的论文集居然有epub和mobi格式,不得不说科技很强大。USENIX最开始其实是UNIX,但是由于商标问题后来改为USENIX,具体过程可以参见维基百科USENIX。USENIX 其实是一个计算机类会议的总称,详细会议列表可以看这里,而USENIX Security只是USENIX中的安全会议,并且USENIX Security会议涵盖的安全领域也非常多,包含:二进制安全、固件安全、取证分析、Web安全、隐私保护、恶意分析等。


  4. NDSS

    NDSS的全称为(Network and Distributed System Security),其官网中也提供了历届会议列表。 NDSS2014年的论文集可以通过这里进行下载


  1. Computer Security Conference Ranking and Statistic
  2. Top Crypto and Security Conferences Ranking (2014)